Who needs hair when you’ve got style?

At OPP we believe bald is beautiful! Here’s a few fact about losing your hair:

Hair loss or thinning can be one of the first signs that a child is being treated for cancer. It can happen all over the body or just the head, depending on the type of chemo or radiation therapy they are receiving. Some kids are ok with losing their hair, while others find it overwhelming. In most cases, hair grows back although it may grow back a different texture or color. Before the hair even begins to fall out, some kids decide to shave it off. This can make it easier when hair does begin to fall out and also provide a much needed and empowering sense of control over what's happening to their body. Whether a child decides to wear a hat, bandana, wig or go au natural, we feel Bald is Beautiful!! Just remember to put sunscreen on that sensitive head!

Hair Loss Milestone Patch

Hair Loss Milestone Patch