Frequently Asked Questions

Empowering Children with Pediatric Cancers through the Power of Patches!
Who is eligible to be part of OPP?
Any child with pediatric cancer in active treatment in the United States is eligible to participate. If their hospital is not part of our hospital partner program yet, a care giver should contact us to get involved.
Will I receive the patches I donate through the shop or designer pages?
These patches are just for our amazing OPP Club Warriors battling cancer. Your donation is used to provide patches/services to a child in need. No patches will be shipped to you.
How do I donate?
There are several ways to donate:
1. The donation page has a simple monetary donation form.
2. Select patches you would like to contribute through the Patch gallery or Designer Collections.
3. Send a check to: Oliver Patch Project, 6505 SW 55th Lane, Miami, FL 33155
Do the children have to buy their patches?
Never ever ever! All OPP programming is 100% free to the OPP Cancer Warriors! They have their own special log-in page where they access their free site!
How can I purchase patches for myself?
The custom designed patches are only for OPP Cancer Warriors.
Can I send OPP Patches to a specific child?
A donation can be made in honor or memory of a child, but at this time, patch donations are not allocated to a specific child.
Once the child is enrolled, they will select their 20 starter patches, which will be sewn on to their jacket or bag. The starter patches represent an expression of their unique personalities.
We do encourage each child to personalize their jacket or bag by adding their own flare!
How do I attach my new patches?
All OPP patches come with heatseal, which is an iron-on backing, making it SUPER easy to attach your new patches…especially if you’re not crafty or don’t know how to sew.
Right now, we don’t recommend ironing patches on to the bags, as they are a nylon material and heat may damage the bag material. For the Warrior Tote Bags, we recommend sewing or gluing your patches on. The best adhesive we have found is E6000 Craft Adhesive.