Want to Design a Patch?

Oliver (Age 9)
Peter (Age 5)
Julia (Age 7)
Calling creative peeps of all ages!
Ready to make some amazing drawings that can be made into patches for our Cancer warriors?
If so, then you’re in the right place!
We are looking for creative folks of all ages who want to make some fun, silly and uplifting drawings that will help provide smiles to kids that need it most.
So, get out those crayons, colored pencils , tablets and computers and let’s do this!

Why Patches?
The Truth about the Power of Patches
• Community support is a critical part of wellness, especially during and after a traumatic illness.
• Rapport and connection between the child and their medical team helps children get through challenging and uncomfortable procedures.
• Validation comes from of being seen and recognized for their efforts and valor.
• Achievement badges are a familiar symbol for children and provide acknowledgement for real life experiences.
• Conversation Starter -Warriors may not know how to share their experiences with others or know what to say about their diagnosis, treatment, or recovery but their jacket/tote bag says it for them in a positive way.
• Earning and collecting patches is a family endeavor that has benefits for parents and guardians, too.
Just a few easy steps!
1. Draw your AWESOME design.
2. You can submit digitally or draw on your own paper. If you’re a young artist or school group just click red button below to use our Artwork Design Form*. (*not necessary for submission)
3. Take a photo of your drawing (watch out for shadows and make sure your drawing is in focus). Digital uploads accepted in JPEG or PDF format only via form.
4. Email us your final submission to: hello@oliverpatchproject.org
Artwork Questions Answered
1. You can draw anything you want! Show us your creativity (just no skulls please)!
2. You can submit up to three drawings. You can include multiple drawings on one sheet, or you can use a separate sheet for each drawing.
3. Use no more than eight (8) colors… don’t forget white counts as a color.
4. Use solid colors only, no shading (remember, each thread is a different color).

Send all final artwork submissions to: hello@oliverpatchproject.org
Our Mission
The Oliver Patch Project (OPP) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation whose mission is to create a free, fun, engaging platform where children with childhood cancers and their families can connect through a series of unique patches created just for them by artists and designers.
OPP empowers kids to find their inner warrior, as they endure life-changing milestone events, by providing a bit of sunshine throughout their cancer journey.
The project is currently open to children and teens in the United States undergoing active treatment for cancer. All the fun is supported by donations and is provided to our Warriors 100% free of charge.
We believe in the power of positivity to promote healing.

Thank you for being involved!
Are you a company, organization or foundation interested in supporting OPP?
Email us to learn more about our corporate sponsorship and in-kind contribution programs.